Sunday, July 21, 2024

“Homecoming” (6/24/24)


I find myself longing for a place I once was very happy to leave behind. It was never about surroundings.

I packed up shards of my heart, then carefully constructed plans with a mind I couldn’t trust. In my haste, I neglected to drag my soul along. 

I ran from sickness. Sickness travels. A fools endeavor. I’m not the first. 

I built a sand castle and named it home. When it washed away, I buried my head in its shell. I became a shell in the process.

And now I see the beauty of the forest and hear the music of the creek of my youth in my mind and wonder why I wished it away so frivolously. 

This place has it charms, but it diminished me. I’m not as strong as I thought, or even half as smart. I feel my energy leaving…albeit slowly. 

I’m not far, but I’m a million miles away from where I desire so much to return and replant these weathered roots, before I’m washed away like my temporary castle.

I am temporary too…we all are. Time is an unforgiving tyrant. 

I feel as though I may finally lay my sickness down, but I’ll drown it in the river for the benefit of everyone, just to be safe.

I need to go home.


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