Friday, July 12, 2024

6/23/24 “Gratitude & Loss”


If I believed that things happened for a reason, I would be bitter and riddled with deep despair. I choose to embrace randomness.

Your purpose is meant to evolve and so are you. I have found generosity in a time of great loss. I am grateful for what is real.

Romantic love is only one of many strains. While it’s the most rare and exciting, it’s also the most volatile. True friendship is steady. It doesn’t leave.

Perception defines the factual. We are not compiled data. We are sentient. Our energy manifests our reality. Find peace in what is. 

I feel the love I’m given, as I mourn the unreciprocated. Emotions can contradict. Equilibrium is true peace. 

If chaos is my balance, I will learn to love chaos. I will smile in defiance as my world burns.


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