Tuesday, January 14, 2025

"The Music Didn't Die" (Part Five)

 Songwriting, Recording, and Production

Nothing awakens a songwriter quite like experiencing new trauma during a healing process. This video was made minutes after the song’s composition. My last original song before it was "Love Other People", posted minutes after writing on November 28th, 2020. Shortly after, I entered the emotional void that ushered in my lost years (2021-2023). This song is called "Placebo Soulmates" (not its original title). My writer's block ended on March 31st, 2024. When deciding to hurt or harm a writer, accept that you’ll likely become a topic.

Writer's Block

I'm no stranger to writer's block. Before beginning this blog, I hadn't written prose with any purpose since college. I graduated with an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts in 1995. After, I chose a life of wage slavery, and like continuing my formal education, writing fell by the wayside. It was less true writer's block than a lack of free time. My creativity focused on songs instead.

I was finally able to purchase some very modest recording equipment in 2003. After recording a self-titled debut album in 2004, a rough EP shortly after, and a very strange follow-up effort called "Beautiful Lies" in 2007; I went dormant as a songwriter for almost 10 years. That was true writer's block.

My second wife and I owned and operated an art cooperative for a few years. Sometime between 2015-2017 (the dates are foggy), I built a low-end recording studio in the back of the storefront we rented, using recycled accordion doors to fabricate a sound isolation booth. The property had once been a meat market. My “studio” was located inside the old meat locker.

My most recent DIY studio release, "Oxidation 2020", is a collection of songs I recorded from 2016 through 2020. The explanation for why it took so long has little to do with writer's block. My life went to complete shit (a familiar theme) in 2017, forcing me to start over from scratch. One toxic relationship ended and another began. My partnership patterns have already been adequately documented in my writing. The personal details are impertinent to my current story, which is about making music in 2024.

Left: It had been my intention to release a CD hardcopy of my self-produced solo album, "Oxidation" in 2020. Then the shutdown happened. It was released on digital platforms only. I then followed it up quickly with an EP I called "2020", which I also released on digital platforms. The version pictured is a compilation of both releases.

I didn’t use an outside source for duplication when I finally released my CD in late 2024. I'm burning them on my laptop and creating the sleeves myself. It's been a true DIY project from start to finish. I wrote all of the songs, played every instrument on the recording, produced it myself, and even created the visual artwork. Why not keep the packaging, CD production, and distribution "in-house", too? 

But, it's not that simple. I considered sending it all out to Discmakers in the Fall of 2024. Back in 2020, being shut down from playing live kept me from ordering copies to sell for obvious reasons. In 2024, it was purely a lack of funds. So, I did the only thing I could at the time: I made them myself and sold them to whoever wanted one. They are still available for $10 + shipping (where applicable). Please contact me at corbettshawn1973@gmail.com for details! 

Full Discography

Ivy June

The most significant event of my life since the birth of my own children took place on November 7th, 2023. I became a first-time grandfather to a beautiful baby girl named Ivy June. 
I was a few days past one month in my recovery from alcohol dependence. My 50th birthday was 4 days prior. When Ivy came into the world, I wasn't my best self. Meeting her motivated me to become a better person. In times of chaos and pain, I think of her sweet smile.

I've remained committed to becoming the grandpa I want her to grow up knowing. It's doubtful that I'll ever be satisfied with my efforts in that regard."Ivy June" is a song written in her honor. I had big plans to write and record a brand new album of original songs in 2024. I've written some songs but I haven't had any space to record in my usual DIY method since June of this year. That's when my world shifted on its axis again.

"Ivy June", the single, was recorded and released on all major platforms last year. It was my only official release of 2024. "Ivy June" was the second song I wrote last year. I finished writing it on May 23rd. Some refer to it as my best work to date, but that's not for me to agree or disagree with. 

Below is the official video for the song, released on October 13th:

Celebrating Ivy's First Birthday!


To this point, all of my original music has been recorded in makeshift spaces. Rarely have I enjoyed the luxury of any soundproofing. I didn't even own a condenser microphone in the early days. I bought some cheap ones before the "Oxidation" project. Money, space, and time have always been major barriers to my process. I’ve worked with what I had and made purchases when I could.

Most of what I've released was recorded in bedrooms. The song, "Leaving Lewis County" was recorded in a dingy basement using a Cajon drum I built myself. It also features a locally crafted 3-string cigar box guitar. 

You'll see an iPad if you zoom in on the photo above. That's a first-generation relic. It didn't even come equipped with a camera. My current recording rig cost under $1000, with the laptop I'm typing on included. I have never used my cheap equipment as an excuse for poor-quality sound. As with everything else I do creatively, I am a self-taught producer. 

I've benefitted from experimenting with old-school recording techniques that I read about in old magazines. Like playing instruments, singing, and writing songs; I am no expert at sound engineering. I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish so far.

The first song I ever wrote and recorded on my own was titled, "Even Trade". It's an acoustic number about growing old and reflecting upon a life of regret. I was 20 years old when I penned it.

Back in the day, I collaborated on a couple songs with my high school friend, Andy. He was lucky enough to be able to afford a 4-track cassette recorder. Other than that, I've only worked alone on original music. Andy and I formed a cover band in our 30s called Whiskey Lane with two of our other childhood friends, Lee and Jeremey. 

I have many reasons for making albums using these DIY methods. Poverty is obvious, but it goes deeper. Collaboration has never brought out the best in me. I shrink in group settings, whether it be at a job, at social gatherings, or in a rock band. Group dynamics have always worked against me. Enough with the nostalgia...

Everything changed in 2024, including my creative process. Somehow, I was able to let go of long-held negative biases about musical collaboration.

Right: My old band, "Whiskey Lane", circa 2007. From left to right: Andy Wendt (Guitar/Vocals), Jeremey Hill (Drums), Me (Bass/Vocals), Lee aka Pete Townsend (Guitar). Will you get a look at my pants! Fun times!

2024: My Year In Song

Above: I snapped this selfie outside of my former residence in Felts Mills, NY on March 13th, 2024. It was the first time I ventured outside for anything other than Drug Court stuff after my February 15th kidney cancer surgery. The sun was shining, so I went for a walk. I wrote "Placebo Soulmates" 2 weeks later. On April 11th, I began busking on the streets of Watertown.

In case anyone is wondering, the answer is no. I will not be naming my next album, "2024: My Year In Song", but I do have some potential titles in mind. Hopefully, its release won't be years away. That's how the "Oxidation 2020" project ended up working out, but it wasn't my original plan. With any luck, the work I continue to do to improve myself will ensure that writing and recording music between catastrophes is a broken cycle.

I've changed my mind numerous times about how I wanted to promote my new music this year. Originally, I planned to do everything in secret, and then just release a finished album unexpectedly. That was before I started busking on the streets of Watertown in April. 

Suddenly, I found myself uploading new videos at a steady clip to Facebook and YouTube, similar to 2020. I started this blog and engaged heavily on my social media music pages for the first time in 4 years. 

Starting with "Placebo Soulmates", I shared my song ideas as they developed—works in progress. "Ivy June" has two videos, a rough phone demo and an official music video featuring the mixed version.

I kept records in 2024. From the photos and videos I sometimes share in my posts, to the personal stories I post on social media, I've been very transparent and honest about my life and its events. I'd call this opposite action, considering the ways I've conducted myself in the past.

Other than the write-up about "Ivy June", I don't feel compelled to explain the subject matter of my other new songs. I've had some conversations about this with people whose opinions I respect. I’m choosing to just let the songs speak for themselves. Perhaps I'd be willing to discuss them in more detail during a radio interview or something. That probably won't happen, but if 2024 taught me anything, it's to not rule anything out. 

Instead of long-winded, autobiographical-style ramblings about my songwriting, I'll just provide the timeline and a YouTube playlist:

- March 31, 2024: Wrote and shared "Placebo Soulmates" on YouTube

- May 23, 2024: Wrote and shared "Ivy June" on YouTube

June 19, 2024: Wrote "Too Sober Now" and used the voice recorder app on my phone to save the idea. On June 27th, I shared the song on YouTube.

July 27, 2024: Recorded version of "Ivy June" uploaded to streaming platforms.

September 11, 2024: Finished writing "Love In a Failed State" and shared on YouTube.

October 13, 2024: Official video for "Ivy June" released on YouTube.

October 20, 2024: Wrote "For The First Time" and again used the voice recorder app to capture the idea. I shared it on YouTube on October 30th.

*YouTube playlist below:

Saving the best for last...

New Horizons

Left (from top to bottom, left to right): 1) The logo outside the door of The Woodshed @ MEC 2) Nicky Hails hanging out in the studio before laying down a killer vocal track on one of my songs. 3) Nicky making her magic with Christian Schenk at the controls 4) The legend, Chris Netto, provides some kickass drum tracks. 5) Yours truly, loving the playback. 6) The mastermind, Christian Schenk.

Check Out the Music Education Center:

From my Facebook Music Page on November 23rd, 2024: 

Big news! I’ve been sitting on this for a little while now. Together with some extremely talented and kind people, the recording has begun on a new album of my songs! I am best known (if I’m known at all) for recording the DIY way. Up until now, everything I’ve ever released had been done with very modest equipment at whatever location I’ve found myself. This is a different deal. 

I’m extremely proud of my DIY stuff, but this is a level of amazing I’ve never experienced before. As the songs develop, they really are different, in the most incredible possible way. This project is something special. 

There was a ton of talent, expertise, and experience at The Woodshed at MEC yesterday. Christian Schenk has been dropping some sick baselines on my tracks. He is also producing the whole thing. The results will speak for themselves. No way I get that sound on my own. Chris Netto (I can’t tag him on this page, for whatever reason) is providing some incredible drum and percussion tracks. Yesterday’s session included Nicki Hails. Very cool and very talented artist! She added some beautiful vocals to one of my songs. 

While there is much left to do, I want to thank the people I’m collaborating with now, and will do so often, because I’m insanely grateful! I’ll be posting a lot from here on. Fair warning. This is exciting stuff!

Read more here on my new Patreon page!: 

Photo credit to Chris Netto

The Music Didn’t Die

Still Kickin'!

If I had it to do over, I would have named my blog “The Music Didn’t Die”. It started out titled “The Journey”, which is about as original as Nickelback’s music. Making the change to “My Journey 2024” made it only slightly less generic. In my defense, I really had no idea what would become of this project. 

As I write my final post to this series, my reflections are a mixture of pride and humility. It would be impossible to tell my story without discussing the importance of music in my life. My healing process really began when I forced myself to dust off my acoustic guitar. The high spots in my life have always included musical ventures. This is a 5 part series. I could have bored you with 10.

One morning in October, I walked up the hill to Lewis County Hospital to get preliminary bloodwork for a contrast MRI in Syracuse a few days later. It was shortly after I published my “Accountability: It’s All My Fault” post. Those were dark days. I considered walking away from my passion again. It was similar to my January retirement phase. I’m not one to subscribe to the “everything happens for a reason” type of thinking. Sometimes, I really do wonder though. 

Before giving blood, I wandered into the cafeteria for coffee. I sat at a table alone, annoyed that Newsmax was playing on the TV. My mood was sullen. Then I heard music playing from an adjacent table to my right. An elderly woman in a wheelchair was blasting “Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man” by Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty through a small Bluetooth speaker. She sang along loudly, not missing a word. I sat there for a few minutes and listened. Her enthusiasm was infectious. It brought a smile to my face. 

The cafeteria crooner was accompanied by a nurse (possibly a CNA). 

“Sorry about the racket”, she said as I walked by. 

“Don’t be”, I replied. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard in quite a while.”

A few days later, the sun was shining and it was relatively warm outside. I walked to Veterans Memorial Park in Lowville, carrying my 3/4 scale travel guitar. I had purchased the guitar from a guy I ran into on the street in Watertown for $25 in June. The sound isn’t impressive but it’s much lighter than my full-sized acoustic.

I picked up the litter that some inconsiderate shits had tossed on the concrete floor of the park’s bandstand before I started playing. My plan was to make a new video to upload to YouTube. As I practiced and attempted to choose a song to record, a guy walked across the lawn toward me. I really didn’t feel like being bothered with the conversation. 

The guy was someone I knew, though not well. We had crossed paths many times over the years. Our circles overlapped; he was more of an acquaintance. He told me that he was about to go to court to answer for some charges similar to mine. It was obvious that he was nervous and feeling down. We talked briefly about recovery, regrets, people we knew in common, and our legal troubles. He asked me if I would play some songs before he walked across the street to the Courthouse. I was happy to indulge that request. He listened with his back to me and his head down. 

“Run From What’s Comfortable”-Pat the Bunny

“Too Sober Now”-My Song

I stopped for a moment. When he turned around his hand was over his eyes with tears running down his face. He expressed deep remorse for his charges. I felt that. 

“Let’s not allow those to be our defining moments”, I told him. He nodded in agreement. I had a sense that the previous songs I played probably had a dark tone to his listening ear. Just because they bring comfort to me doesn’t make it a universal reaction. I knew exactly which song to close with. 

“Love Other People”-My Song

Afterward, he turned around and smiled. He thanked me for the conversation and the music. “I loved that last one”, he told me as he made his way to court. I wished him luck. 

These two experiences occurred exactly when I needed them to. I knew I had a rough road forward. Call it what you want: divine intervention, the law of attraction, or pure coincidence. It really doesn’t matter how or why. 

Music is what I do. It’s what I have to offer humanity. My songs will live on long after I’m gone. Legacy matters a little more to me now than it used to. It shouldn't though. If it were up to me, I would create music for many more years, play my songs in the sunshine, and stand on new stages in far-off cities and towns. I’d write and record new music forever if I could. I don’t get to choose though, do I? None of us do. 

*It was originally my intention to make this my final blog entry. What I have written thus far has been too lengthy to include in this post, so there will be one more entry to follow. This is the final part of "The Music Didn't Die". Thank you for reading!

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"The Music Didn't Die" (Part Five)

 Songwriting, Recording, and Production No thing awakens a songwriter quite like experiencing new trauma during a healing process. This vide...