Mental Health Awareness Month meant something different to me this year. With current goals and present realities prioritized, I decided to save the back stories and emotional tangents for a project in the future. For now, I'll focus on the positive things I accomplished.
The Jefferson County Mental Health Awareness Walk was on May, 15th 2024. Writing about this brought emotions out of me that I didn't expect, a mixture of positives and negatives. I have past ties to the event. I used to chair the committee that planned it. It was a work thing. I strongly considered not attending for that reason.
I've committed the remainder of my life to specific causes and to activism. Sitting it out wouldn't have aligned with my sensibilities or aspirations. Feelings about the past, the employer, or the people involved couldn't be allowed to interfere. A lot of that was based on pride. I attended on my own terms.
Representing the #prescribedharm community was my only objective, even if I did so in silence. I originally wanted to be considered as the keynote speaker for the opening ceremony. I scrapped the idea after speaking to a couple of committee members about it. Let's just say the reception was a little less than lukewarm. It was a lofty perch to aspire to. I'm probably better off for backing out.
My standing within the not-for/non-profit industrial complex of Watertown wasn't exactly stellar. My catastrophic burnout, which led to my exit, was the stuff of local folklore. I can own that without acknowledging the sentiment as valid. Some of the stories about me are true. All are told without context.
As expected, I was uncomfortable on arrival that morning. So many familiar faces...yeah, "familiar" is the correct word. I smiled and offered salutations, repeating in my head that the opinions of others don’t matter. Their opinions aren't even known to me. Projection isn't healthy. I am working on my propensity for catastrophizing.
I made my way to the auditorium and settled in. I listened to proclamations and keynote speakers. I was annoyed by much of the content and subject matter of those speeches, but I didn't regret my decision to be present. It wasn't so bad, but someone like me should always expect the unexpected.
Without warning, one of the committee members asked me if I wanted to give a testimonial. I froze for a moment. I couldn't turn down such an opportunity and simultaneously call myself an activist. Activism isn't meant to be comfortable or even to feel safe. If it does, it's probably not effective. I couldn't waste an opportunity to speak to an auditorium full of people. There were roughly 200 in the audience, many of them clinical professionals. I knew I had to accept the invitation, not just for myself, but for the non-clinical people who receive mental health services. People like me.
I listened to many testimonials before giving my own. They were all similar, mostly stories of perseverance, hope, and triumphant metamorphoses while living with chronic mental illnesses. Every other speaker self-disclosed their respective diagnoses. I had no plans to do that.
A few of them were also in recovery from substance use disorder. I can check both boxes. The speakers thanked the agencies that helped them along their mental health journey. It didn't go unnoticed that they were all far more prepared to speak than I was. Their testimonials were either written or typed out. There I was, frantically preparing to shoot from the hip (usually not a good plan for me).
I don't often feel high anxiety levels anymore. At that moment, I was trembling. I don't speak publicly as a rule. That’s another reason I didn't sign up to be the keynote speaker. I hadn't fully considered my aversion beforehand, and there I was. I let another speaker cut ahead of me in line. The adrenalin was pumping. I felt intimidated, totally unprepared, and very aware that what I wanted to say would be controversial.
I was ruminating when I heard my name called. I put one foot in front of the other and grabbed the microphone. I took a moment to scan the crowd before introducing myself.
"Good morning, my name is Shawn and I feel great today!" Applause. It was on.
What followed was cautiously improvised. I spoke about the increased funding the County had recently been awarded by the State to increase the availability of mental health services in the area. This was previously announced to an ovation in the opening remarks. My anarchism kicked in. I praised the increase in access but made a strong statement about the importance of quality over quantity in mental health care. I absolutely meant to step on some toes by saying that.
Other topics included:
-Active participation in one’s own treatment plan and setting your own goals as a recipient of services.
-Insistence upon person-centered treatment methods.
-Informed consent! I know that was an uncomfortable term for practitioners to hear. I sure hope it was. Informed consent is almost non-existent in mental health treatment. I went a step further. I urged patients to ask for counseling from a pharmacist before ingesting psychiatric medications, to discuss potential side effects and drug interactions up front, and to initiate a detailed conversation about comorbidities pre-prescription.
My improvised testimonial was interrupted several times by rounds of applause. I talked about my cancer battle and my addiction recovery status. Those were hits. I knew they would be. I said "um" a lot, so I made a joke about it. People laughed. I don't recall everything else I said, but those are the key points. My nerves were on edge throughout.
"You know yourself better than anyone else does." That was my favorite line in my speech
I said most of what I wanted to and then wrapped it up. I don't really remember what I closed with. Something meant to inspire, I'm sure. Afterward, I was proud of my message. Some people who know me well told me I held back. Of course, I did. I knew my audience. I hope to partner with some of those professionals in the future, in the interest of implementing positive changes to a broken system. I suppose I could have indulged my own selfish urges and verbally bashed the hell out of mental health treatment practices and practitioners, but I didn't make it just about me for specific reasons. I put the cause first. No regrets.
With the difficult part behind me, I happily participated in the walk and the picnic that followed. Many strangers approached me and complimented my testimonial. Some thanked me. Others shook my hand, mostly patients. My people.
Some of my former colleagues spoke to me at the picnic. I received some hugs. It was a little weird, but less awkward than I predicted. I'm assertive as fuck these days. When it felt weird around others, I made things even weirder. That seems to be one of my superpowers now. I used to believe my weirdness was a detriment. It isn't. I just needed better people in my circle. Weird people, like me.
A hotdog lunch, a drum circle, and some more conversations followed. It was a good day. I introduced the "new me" to the mental health awareness community. I'm just getting started. I hope to demonstrate more activism. I unexpectedly became a public speaker that day and welcome future opportunities to speak. Lookout world...I have shit to say.
This is not the concise post I planned on writing. I have a lot more to say on the subject of mental health, with its draconian, profit-obsessed methods of treatment, sketchy diagnostics, and propensity for iatrogenic harm. So many stories to tell...